One Earth and our partners are committed to keeping the Global Safety Net (GSN) platform up-to-date by incorporating the best science and technology available. With new dynamic data coming online, the GSN is constantly evolving in order to equip decision-makers with the most current and detailed information available – spanning biodiversity habitats, ecosystem services, land use and land conversion, connectivity and restoration potential, and more.

Philanthropy plays a crucial role in the upkeep of this unparalleled resource for elected officials, land use planners, conservationists, private sector actors, philanthropists, and the general public.

Your support enables us to:

  • Incorporate new technological advances into the GSN Platform to enhance the user experience and increase accessibility to its important scientific data
  • Drive additional science that will be incorporated as new layers into the GSN App to continuously improve the precision of the 50% roadmap of critical ecosystems on land that require protection
  • Expand the GSN to include oceans, providing a holistic picture of the lands and seas that we must protect and restore to protect biodiversity and stabilize the Earth’s climate
  • Implement a proactive and comprehensive outreach strategy to ensure widespread adoption of the GSN's findings by key stakeholders
  • Educate the broader public on why protecting, connecting, and restoring 50% of nature is crucial to solving the climate crisis

The GSN is a public benefit initiative made accessible to governments, companies, NGOs, and the broader public free of charge. We rely on the generous support of our community and people like you to support out efforts to advance conservation science. We respectfully invite you to contribute a recommended donation of 2% of your project budget, if you utilize the GSN for your efforts.

We thank you for your support!